Baby Badua | Baby Shower Photos

Baby Badua is on the way! Wow time flies, especially when you’re expecting! Earlier this month my sister, cousin and good friend had thrown me such a nice and intimate shower. Can you guess what the theme was? Oh the chocolate and sweets! They look so yummy! Too bad I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes therefore I was not able to indulge in it. =( Food and candies aside, I still had fun and it was quite memorable. Friends and family from all corners of my life came to share the excitement and special moment as I venture into motherhood. They were such a great group of ladies who are easy going and fun to be around. Through introductions to baby shower games, there were so much laughter!

Thank you to the mommies and future mommies for attending and for all the wonderful and cute gifts! They will definitely be put to good use!  Special thanks to Pabou, Dina and Bobby for making it happen. You ladies are the best!  Lastly to my baby daddy for capturing these moments! –  Cindy

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