Dina, Linda and I headed up to Snoqualmie Pass to try to get some portraits in the snow.
When we got up to the pass, we were greeted with a pretty steady rain and slushy conditions. We also didn’t have much time because the sun had pretty much set when we arrived. The wet ground limited us mostly standing photos. Otherwise we could have gotten a lot more creative with what we could’ve done (sitting, laying in the snow).
Despite the horrible conditions, we had a fun time and came away with some decent shots. They were both troopers and endured the cold, wet, and crappy weather! Our next shoot will definitely be in warmer weather =).
The rain covers I had for this type of situation, barely held up. Rain still got through and my cameras and lenses were soaked. Kudos for Nikon for designing gear that can hold up to the extreme elements. Knock on wood but I haven’t had any equipment fail from Nikon. I’ve stood in constant downpours (without any rain gear), heavy snow, and freezing weather and have had no hiccups. Maybe I’ll do a future blog post on the solutions I’ve come up with the experience I’ve gained from shooting in crappy weather. There are many unexpected issues you’ll run into!